Accessibility strives to provide an accessible, 508 compliant web service. The Omeka team is committed to making an accessible option for sharing collections and exhibits online. We are working to make’s core code (Omeka Classic) accessible, and will continue to make accessibility for persons with disabilities a priority. Omeka strives to adhere to W3C web design standards and to be compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Front End (Public view)

The public view of has the following features to improve accessibility:

  • ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks for tabbing through page content, when not using a mouse or using a screen reader;
  • Ability to skip the navigation menu (SkipNav) and go straight to the page content when using a keyboard or screen reader to navigate the site (in all Omeka-produced themes);
  • Semantic HTML5 markup.

These features are included in the core code as well as the themes available on the platform. As much as possible, we have implemented these features with the plugins that are available on the platform.

Back End (Administrative view)

The administrative dashboard of the site building interface has the following features for accessibility:

  • Ability to skip navigation menu and go straight to content when using a keyboard or screen reader to navigate the site. If you do not SkipNav, the sequence is: settings (top navigation bar), plugins (left navigation bar), content;
  • ARIA landmarks for screen readers on the Admin Dashboard, designating the header, navigation, footer, and main body content;
  • Semantic HTML5 markup.

As such, we have performed an assessment of our product, and provide the results in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) linked below. Since the assessment was completed, we have addressed a number of the outstanding issues, and will continue to work to provide the most compliant product possible.


Assessibility Issues

Should you encounter accessibility issues in your work with, please alert us to your experience by using the contact form.

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