Manage Themes

Note: Themes downloaded from will not work on

Themes control the public design and presentation of a website, including the main navigation. Manage your themes by clicking on the Appearance tab in the top navigation of the admin dashboard. The first tab to load within Appearance will be the Themes tab (admin/themes/browse).

Watch this screencast to see how to modify the appearance of your site.

Choosing a theme

If you want to change the design theme from the default choice, click the green Use This Theme button below the theme’s thumbnail image in the theme browse page.

Configuring a theme

Configurations let you make choices about the look of your site, including adding a logo and homepage text, managing featured elements, and adding footer text. Each configuration is unique to each theme and will be saved with that theme.

Click the blue Configure Theme button under the image of your current theme to customize your site.

The following choices are available for themes (not all options are available for all themes):

Header and Footer Configuration:

  • Logo File: You may upload a logo file that will replace the site title in the header of the theme. Recommended maximum width for the logo is 500px.
  • Header Backgound: Upload an image file that will display across the top of your public website.
  • Footer Text: Add some text to be displayed in your theme’s footer. This can be a good place to add credits.
  • Display Copyright in Footer: Check this box if you wish to display your site’s copyright information in the footer. Site copyright information is found in the General Settings section.
  • Use advanced site-wide search: check this box to allow users to search your whole site by record using advanced search options.

Homepage Configuration:

  • Display Featured Item: Check this box if you wish to show a featured item on the homepage.
  • Display Featured Collection: Check this box if you wish to show a link featuring a collection on the homepage.
  • Display Featured Exhibit: Check this box if you wish to show a link featuring an exhibit on the homepage.
  • Homepage Recent Items: Enter the number of recent items you want to be displayed on the homepage. The items will appear in the order in which they were mostly recently added to the archive.
  • Homepage Text: Add text to be displayed on your homepage above the Featured Items. This is a good place to add a very short tagline or description of your site. Save longer explanations for an About page.

Additional Configuration Options:

  • Item File Gallery: For the themes Thanks Roy, Seasons, Minimalist, and Emiglio. This box displays the files for each item as a gallery of square thumbnails rather than fullsize images.
  • Style Sheet: For the themes Seasons and Rhythm. Select a style sheet (color scheme) from a dropdown menu.
  • Exhibit Builder navigation: For the themes Seasons and Minimalist. Choose whether page navigation in exhibits is a full-width bar that stretches across the page or a sidebar that uses a small fraction of the page width.
  • Colors: For the themes Thanks Roy, Center Row, The Daily, Big Stuff, . These fields allow you to customize the color of specific parts of the theme (link text, buttons, etc). You must use a six-character hexadecimal color value, including the #.
  • Homepage Text position: A dropdown menu to set whether the homepage text appears above or below featured items, exhibits, and collections.
  • Big Stuff: has a number of unique configuration options

Save Changes at any time to save these customizations.



A clean, two-column theme with a horizontal navigation menu.

Berlin homepage

This theme is available for all plans.


A colorful theme with a configuration option to switch style sheets for a particular season, plus ‘night’. Horizontal navigation menu.

Winter look for Seasons theme Spring look for Seasons theme Summer look for Seasons theme Autumn look for Seasons theme Winter look for Seasons theme

This theme is available for all plans.

Big Stuff

Inspired by Berlin, this theme is designed for textual collections; the Browse Items page displays item titles only. It includes a number of customization options, including a repeating background image.

Big Stuff

This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans


A simple, minimal theme with reds and greens and a horizontal navigation menu.


This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans


A starter theme using the ZURB Foundation toolkit.


This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans


An Omeka Classic Theme based on modular styling and mobile first approach, with a modern and accessible UX/UI.


This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans


A theme with clean, architectural lines and a horizontal navigation menu.


This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans


An energetic two-column theme, with a choice between three style sheet color themes. Horizontal navigation menu.

Rhythm Fall look

Rhythm Spring

Rhythm and Blue

This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans.

Santa Fe

Inspired by the Bracero History Archive, this theme in browns and greens uses a horizontal navigation menu above the site title.

Santa Fe

This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans

Thanks, Roy

A tribute to Roy Rosenzweig, this theme features serif text, a vertical navigation on the left side of the content, and options for customizing some font and background colors. Files display before

Thanks Roy

This theme is available for Plus, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans

Big Picture

An image-centric theme geared towards art historians and students. The navigation opens as a menu from the upper right corner of the browser window.

Big Picture

This theme is available for Gold and Platinum plans.

Center Row

An image-oriented theme for Omeka. This theme has a horizontal navigation menu and does not support nested navigation (no sub pages).

Center Row

This theme is available for Gold and Platinum plans.

The Daily

An image-oriented theme for Omeka with strong fonts and custom color configuration options for some text and background settings. The navigation opens as a menu from the upper right corner of the browser window.

The Daily

This theme is available for Gold and Platinum plans.

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