Shortcodes Carousel

This plugin is available to accounts with Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans.

The plugin adds a shortcode to create a carousel of items using jCarousel on your Simple Pages.

The basic shortcode is [carousel]. [recent_carousel] and [featured_carousel] are shortcuts to creating a carousel of recent and featured items, respectively.


The same options available for the Items shortcode are available for the carousel, with the exception that has_image is always assumed to be true.

Additional options for the carousel are:


sets the speed for the scrolling animation. May be “fast”, “slow”, or a time in milliseconds. Default is 400.

For example

[carousel speed=slow]


[carousel speed=500]


setting autoscroll=true will make the items automatically scroll


when autoscroll is on, interval sets the interval between scrolling in milliseconds. Default is 3000.

For example

[carousel autoscroll=true interval=700]

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